The veil was removed…

I grew up in a Christian family, so I was surrounded by God and the Church from the very beginning. I was raised in a Christian home, but just followed through the motions of doing “Christian things” I didn’t know Him, I just knew about Him.

When I took the Webinar five years ago, right from the first talk I was so drawn by all the information that it was being uncovered to me. It was so easy to understand . I couldn’t wait for the next day to keep listening and learning more.  At the end of the webinar I was another person almost like the veil was removed between Jesus and me. My faith and my relationship with Jesus has grown rapidly after the webinar.  The Holy Spirit started working on me right from the first day. 

The Paraliturgy is so powerful. It heals you out from past burdens.  We have seen miracles happen in our family in regards of health and spiritual healing. 

Later I’ve got involved in the Healing of Families Ministry USA and little by little started to learn more about how it works. In February of 2024, while helping and attending for the UK version of the HOF webinar, I experienced an “aha moment” given that our Lord again opened my eyes for areas in which I thought were already healed. After the webinar, I was not only able to see the truth and make an important life decision, but also to take the steps necessary that were bound for thirty years, and I have now been liberated. It has brought personal peace in my family’s life despite circumstances. My trust in Jesus has grown dramatically.

GP - Chicago USA


Lies that I believed…